Learning for parents/caregivers, educators, and other groups.


We provide workshops in person and online on a variety of topics. Workshops can be flexible, ranging from shorter talks (~1 hour) that introduce a topic and provide strategies, or longer trainings (2 hours up to full day) that provide a more in-depth look at a topic and offer opportunities for participants to develop their own knowledge and skills. We offer workshops with open registration to the community, and provide workshops to agencies, schools, or parent council groups on an as-needed basis.

Topics can be tailored to the needs of a particular group. Some workshop topics may include:

  • Navigating emotion in children and families

  • Navigating emotion in the classroom

  • Empowered parenting during a pandemic

  • Parenting children with anxiety

  • Parenting children with ADHD

  • Positive discipline

  • Supporting resilience in children and families

  • Emotion focused skills for teachers

  • Emotion coaching for parents and caregivers

  • Supporting children with learning disabilities

  • Reading disabilities, dyslexia, and supporting literacy

  • Managing challenging behaviours